XXII Geom Sans


XXII Geom Sans and its slab-serific XXII Geom Slab are modern geometric type systems designed with focus on functionality & legibility and with an eye on the old masters.

Their well balanced low contrast letter shapes come with a tall x-height. The italics are designed with a little more curvy approach what brings up a different individual character fitting perfect to the straighter forms of the uprights. With its large range of Opentype features it is designed to fulfill the needs your content deserves (Smallcaps, Case Sensitives, Ligatures…) as well as serving your individual taste (Stylistic alternates & Sets).



Available in 1 set containing the following styles:

Complete Set (16 fonts):
Thin, ThinIt, Light, LightIt, Book, BookIt, Regular, RegularIt, Medium, MediumIt, Bold, BoldIt, Heavy, HeavyIt, Black, BlackIt


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  • Weight
  • Text
  • Fontsize
  • Lineheight
  • Letterspacing